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Keywords Analysis

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Keyword Research and Analysis is among the most essential part of any internet marketing campaign. It is the process of finding keywords or keyword phrases that people use when searching for something on the internet. The right choice of keywords is beneficial in optimizing your search engine rankings and directing visitors to your website. By positioning your online business in the proper keyword locations you can get the best return on your investment.

These are many free and paid keyword research tools available online which help you find which keywords to choose and how competitive they are. Some of the popular keyword research tools include: Wordtracker, Google’s keyword research tool, Microsoft keyword forecast etc. Along with the use of these tools, concrete keyword analysis is also required to be performed as these tools only offer an estimated idea of what keywords should be searched relevant to a website.

Factors covering Keyword Research are:

  • Use of a specific keyword or keyword phrase on each page of website
  • Use of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to relate semantically close keywords
  • Use of country specific keywords

At Ranksmartz, we provide complete keyword research and analysis as a part of our SEO services. We use different keyword research tools and our expertise to find keywords that a customer would utilize in a search to find the products or services that your website offers. Our cost effective services are sure to help our clients reach the highest rankings possible.